Honestly after almost a year of being on a mission, I still do not know how to accurately describe a week haha.
We have seen some ups this week, and we have definitely seen some downs. funny how a mission does that right? Tuesday we had an incredible zone conference in Budapest. It was all about repentence, and how if we want to have our investigators use, and understand the atonement, WE ourselves need to use, and understand the atonement. I think if the only reason I went on a mission was to more fully understand the atonement, then that is enough for me.I have learned that I am not perfect. I am so thankful for the opportunity to say "I blew it" and to humbly turn to my father in heaven and ask for his help.
We were able to meet with the most AMAZING investigator this week. The story is that we were tracting last week in this house, and I just did not feel right. I weirdly felt like we were just wasting our time, which was weird because we were doing exactly what we were supposed to be doing.
I had the impression to just go to another building, or just get out of the building, I do not know! we started walking toward another set of 10 storeys and it was right by this investigator Nora's house. I decided to try calling her ( we had literally been trying to get in contact with her every week for the last 3 months) so I felt like I should call her, AND SHE ANSWERED, set up, and our lesson was amazing. We talked about pray and how God's plan is so much better than our plans. She just cried, and told us that we really helped her.
Aaaalssoo we are so excited! One of the members in the branch named Oliver is 17, and his Mom wants to get baptized!!!! She is going to be baptized on February 18. She is just the cutest woman in the whole world, and watching her go through this change, and being able to teach her has been the coolest thing. I am so thankful to be apart of the Lord's work here in Hungary.
Yay for the work growing a little bit, Veszprém was definitely strugglin.. haha yay for bodza flavored fanta and dark chocolate too. Life is great you guys.
sok szeretettel,
I dont think so :( but thats okay I can get it at transfers!!
2. What are you pday plans today?
just a chill pday haha grocery shop, go out to eat, email, nothing too exciting!
2. What are you pday plans today?
just a chill pday haha grocery shop, go out to eat, email, nothing too exciting!
3. I have been talking with Jensen Nover's mom on facebook. We are going to figure out a time that we can go to lunch and talk about our amazing girls!!
that sounds incredible
4. Any meals with members this week?
4. Any meals with members this week?
Yes yes we went to Erzsi nénis house, and she is just the most perfect thing in the whole world. she made us some almás süti, rántót Hús, krumpli, saláta. best day best day!
5. How goes the running?
my companion lets me go every other day, so life is great. :)
5. How goes the running?
my companion lets me go every other day, so life is great. :)
6. Where are the Elder's in your district from?
Thomas is from california, Sajto is from Brazil
7. Do Hungarians celebrate Valentine's Day?
7. Do Hungarians celebrate Valentine's Day?
haha honestly i have no clue!
8. Have you ever had a companion that snores?
8. Have you ever had a companion that snores?
not yet hála jó istennek
9. Do you and Jensen like the same kind of food?
9. Do you and Jensen like the same kind of food?
10. Did you know that you make a BEAUTIFUL 20 year old woman!!!
10. Did you know that you make a BEAUTIFUL 20 year old woman!!!
hey hey hey thanks!!