This weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek was just the craziest thing i have ever been apart of, life is busy, but its better that way you know?
So this week we had the opportunity to give a training for two of the zones. We talked so much about the spirit, and a lot Elder Rasbands talk about following those "first promptings". The reason I bring this up is that we had basically the same training planned for both conferences, and it was the cooolest thing to me to see how different the two trainings were. The spirit really will lead, and guide us, We just HAVE to listen, and we HAVE to respond.

So you know our miracle from last week Hadija? Ah I am just in love with this woman. we met with her 5 out of the 7 days this week, and it is really inspiring to see her faith, and see her desire to just honestly know more about this gospel. One of the days we went to her, she started out by saying, "I was reading the Book of Mormon this morning out loud with my daughter, And I was praying that i could feel specifically the feeling that I felt when I was with you guys last time. and I did. I know that this is true, I know that this book is true, and I want to be baptized! Tell me everything i have to do!!!" hahahahahahahhaha we were SHOCKED. I felt like I was being pranked literally, Like that kid of thing does not happen in real life.
I also had another way cool experience, Probably one of the biggest miracles of my mission. We were teaching Hadija about the plan of salvation, and all the little parts. We were talking about Jesus Christ, and the atonement, and why it is absolutely the center of the plan of salvation, and the importance of the atonement. We were discussing that, and we kind of had a little disconnect. Hadija just did not understand why Christ HAD to suffer, and why he had to go through all of that. I was just praying so hard to be able to answer this VERY important question, and to be able to help her concern. I opened my mouth to try to give her an answer, and all of the sudden, this fluent hungarian was just flowing out of my mouth, and this PERFECT answer, that honestly not even I knew, came out of my mouth. After I finished speaking she just said "I get it now, that makes perfect sense." I mean, you hear these stories all the time, but until it actually happens you don't really believe them. I know that the gift of tongues is real. i know that God cares so much about all of his children, and that he knew how important Hadijas question was, and he wanted her to have the answer. It was such a cool, faith building experience.
In other news, yesterday we got to go sing finding with the elders in the park, it was fire. we saved several souls in the process.
A bearded man kissed my hand for a total of 30 seconds and i felt uncomfortable and endangered.
A memeber showed us how to make paprikás csirke, and nöl kedli this week and it I will be making that for you all the moment I arrive in the Americas (land of the free home of the brave)
Hungarians think that you will get a cold any time you walk outside without a jacket, so my investigator gave me a jacket with more faux fur than should exist on any jacket. I felt like a pimp.
Sister jensen is TRAINING. so this week i got to meet my granddaughter. the joys of family.
I am so happy to be here, life is so good, and have the best week okay every single one of youuuuuuu!
Swenson nővér
1. Pday activity today?
I get to show all the new people in our district the parliament and the bazilika and i cannot wait cause they are going to love ittttt
2. What was the holiday on MOnday? How do they celebrate? What do they celebrate? haha it was just hungarian labor day. literally they celebrated by having everything in the world closed haha
3. Is your companion good at door approaches?
no she sucks. haha yes she is good!
4. Do they believe in Bigfoot in Hungary?
i have yet to ask haha
5. How far do you have to go for your district meetings?
so we live an hour away from our branch house cause budapest is gigantic, so we travel a ton!
6. Is it warming up there in Pest?
yes jött a tavasz :')
7. Do they have "Mexican food" restaurants in Hungary?
haha uhm honestly know, the closest thing is this place called "gringos" and its kinda like a cafe rio idea? but dont think for four seconds that it is cafe rio, cause that would be blasphemous
8. Do people make eye contact in Pest? Would it be a normal thing to pass by a hungarian and they say Hi and smile? actually thats a huge thing i love about hungary! when you walk by people on the streets, or like going up stairs and stuff, you always say hello! i love it
9. Where is your favorite place to run there?
we have this little park by our house that i do some laps on! its great, through the city buidlings, its pretty nice
10. Did you know that your hair is STUNNING? It is so long and so pretty!!!
hahaha FINALLY. thank you! its trying its hardest to get long haha