I CAN STAY IN THE COUNTRY. So i think the scariest thing in the world is going to the Hivatal. Oh my heavens those people are intense. and i actually missed the class in the mtc where we talked about extensive government vocabulary. But, luckily for me, Elder Anderson is the best human being in the world and came and translated for me, and made it so i am LEGAL!!!!!!!! Isten meg aldd a Magyart. 
Swenson Nover is legal!! |
So serda was crazy. we had 4 lessons right in a row and i literally felt like a missionary in America ;) haha but also that night we decided to try out a new fagyi place (best decision) but in the apartments above the belvaros there were these people talking across the way to each other, IN ENGLIGH. haha you dont just casually hear English walking around the streets of hungary! so of course me and Withers went and talked to them and they were the coolest people. One of the guys had lived in székes for 13 years and he said he always sees us missionaries and "our coworkers" haha but he said it was incredible how fast we pick up the language. that is my FAVORITE thing when people say that, cause it is a perfect lead in to how that is tejesen nem lehet isten nelkül. (completly impossible without God)
Withers and Swenson in Budapest |
Barbi and alex. They are the most rendes Hungarians i've met ever. They are this young couple (23 and 24) and Barbi is a member and Alex is an investigator. I honestly just felt like we were hanging out with them. then we went to Agis and once again she fed us a FEAST and sent us home with the leftovers. Hungarian food is outstanding. This week was rako krumpli (my fav)
SPLITS IN BUDAPEST. first of all. the Elders had this FANTASTIC idea to have us carry this microwave to the mission home, along with our bags for splits. we were THRILLED. and it wasn't even four thousand degrees!! but the STLS came and helped us so don't fret. Right after that me and Adams Nővér went to a lesson to a less active who knows the church is true, but she doesn't have a testimony of the Book of Mormon or Joseph Smith.....? not sure how that works out. haha but i adoooore Sister Adams!!! We were literally laughing the whole entire time. and she took me to the American store and we got REESES. God bless America. God bless reeses.
Adams Nover and Swenson Nover |
So i live in the BEAUTIFUL country of Hungary, and before going home for splits we got to go see the Parlament building up close. I absoutely wish pictures could do it any justice. seriously i sat there like stunned with the beauty. Holy cow i want every single one of you to see it with your own eyes. then we went to the Baszilika which is the biggest Catholic church in all of Hungary. Once again holy cow. also, you guys, we have had MIRACLES these past weeks. we had a mision wide fast last week to help us share the message of the Book of Mormon with the people of Hungary, and let me tell you, fasting works. we have had so many let ins this week, and so many opportunities
The Parliament building |
ZOLTAN CAME TO CHURCH. Zoltan is just our little miracle seriously. if you don't remember, Zotan is this like 68 year old bácsi that we tracted into and he let us in on the first csengő. He looked adorable all dressed up in his suit. the whole entire time i was just freaking out praying that he would feel the spirit and that branch would welcome him, and after he told us how nice everyone was, and how much he liked it. we taugh him the plan of salvation and he just accepted every single thing. he is a MIRACLE. also sunday we got another let it, cecilia néni. When we shared our message with her she just started crying and said how she was feeling so alone and asked us how she knew she needed this message? isnt it amazing how the lord prepares people??
Everyone go and read Mosiah 2-4, King Benjamins address. seriously that i the most powerful conference talk i have ever heard. I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY. LOVE YOU ALL.
Swenson Nővér
1. Did you get your package?
nooooooo :( and i probably wont until transfers, but its okay!!
2. What did you do for Pday today?
2. What did you do for Pday today?
shopping and cards with the elders
3. Were you able to get some new shoes yet?
3. Were you able to get some new shoes yet?
YES. and they are the cutest and most comfiest things in the whole world. THANK YOU SO MUCH
4. Where are the elders in your district from?
4. Where are the elders in your district from?
anderson is from bountiful, and aardema is from ogden hahaha
5. How much time do you guys spend in language training a day?
5. How much time do you guys spend in language training a day?
ususally an hour!
7. Do you have any young women in your branch?
yeaaaah like 4!
yeaaaah like 4!
8. Do you know your exact address? I would love to google earth you!!
i actually dont..... the belvaros is fő utca in székesfehérvár, so if that helps!!
9. Have you ever done splits with the sister training leaders?
9. Have you ever done splits with the sister training leaders?
yes yes!!! haha seeeee the above email!
10. Did you know that your eyes SPARKLE. Seriously...leap off the page sparkle!!