Re: Happy May 2016!!!
sziastok a családom és a barátaim :)
HOGY VAGY MINDENKI?! ahh i love and miss you all like crazy! sorry sorry i forgot to tell you that we would be emailing on a tuesday this week, and possibly every week after this, so stay posted haha. also two real quick things this email is gonna be rough. haha the Hungarian keyboard has the y and the z switched, and its on hungarian mode so every word i spell has that nice little red line under it.. so i just apologize in advance haha. also i am just for sure going to do my email this week as a day by day, so sok sikért!
You know our investigator Andréa? we had another lesson with her and she just said the cutest thing in the whole entire world. ahhh we asked her if we could end with a prayer, and then she looked at us, and said "no you can't..... because if you pray, then youll leave" hahah ahh i think my heart was just shattered into a million pieces i adore her so much. Also we had the weirdest thing happen haha we recieved this call on our phone from an American number, and we answered and my trainer started speaking english, so i was super confused, and it turned out to be my teacher from the MTC Robinson Testvér, and he and his parents were in hungary, and he came and took me and my comp, and elder aardema and his comp out to some fagyi! it was sooo fun to see him and talk to him about hungary and get some final advice from him.
BOLDOG SZÜLETÉS WITHERS NŐVÉR. wednesday was suuuch a fun day! it was withers nővérs 20th birthday and we also had zone training in dunaújváros. it was such a blast because i got to see some of my mtc family and the zone leaders are just incredible. we started rereading the book of mormon again and highlighting in different colors 1. every time it talks about the savior, or refers to him 2. the saviors words 3. christlike attributes and 4. doctrine so it has been super fun to see how much the book of mormon is centered on our savior jesus christ. That night we got home a lot later than we thought we would, but i just had this really strong feeling that we needed to go tracting still, and so we walked in the pouring rain to another 10 story and GUESS WHAT. we got our first let it!!!! ahhh his name is gabór and he is the coolest guy ever. he also promised hed come to church so well see what happens there. but the lord truly truly does lead us to those who are prepared to hear the gospel.
I GOT MY NEW GUITAR. ahhhh thank you thank you mom and dad. i will send pictures it is my favorite thing in the whole entire world. My companion has a ukelele and we are going to table sometime this week and sing hungarian hymns. seriously its the best thing ever. also we had a lesson with Sos Balász this week. He is a less active who actually served his mission in hungary. My companion and i are so invested in Balász. He has a testimony, he is just super lazy. Today we actually had another lesson with him, and we decided we needed to be just super bold with him so we shared with him the talk by M. Russell Ballard "stay in the boat" you guys, it is so important that we do the little things every single day in our lives. by praying, reading the scriptures, and going to church that is truly how we are converted, and stay converted.
i just decided that the rest of my week is exciting to me, but probably not to you guys at home! haha i seriously love this Gospel. and i love my mission. and i LOVE my companion. Seriously i want every single one of you to meet her and to be her best friend because she is amazing. Our Heavenly father has a plan for each and every single one of us. If you ever are wondering about that, go take some time and read your patriarchal blessings. Every single time i read that guy I always feel myself thinking "why on earth do i ever worry about anything in my life? i KNOW that Heavenly Father has my back." what amazing hope this gospel can bring into our lives.
Answers to Mom's Questions:
1. Pday activities today?
Nothing crazy exciting!! we went bowling and cleaned our whole apartment!!
2. How was your zone conference?
the best best best everrrrr
3. What do you usually eat for dinner?
me and my companion are obsessed with eggs hahaha so usually eggs
4. How big is your apartment? Do you have any pictures you can show me?
shoot i suck no i dont!! ill send pictures next week!!
5. Where is your companion going to college?
im convincing her oto go to BYU!! but probably byu or uvu!
6. Were you able to see any of your MTC district at the zone conference?
yep yep ill attatch pictures!
7. What is one of your favorite things you studied this week during personal study?
Alma 34-36. i literally just want to be alma and amulek they are the coolest people ever.
8. Do you go to your branch/ward youth activities?
hahah theres not much of a branch youth, but we go to sport nap yes :)
9. Are you the only missionaries in your branch/ward?
yep, just us and the elders!!
10. Did you know that you have the sparkiliest/happiest eyes I have ever seen. They jump out of the page.!!
love you to Hungary and back :)
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