I have been a missionary for four months. how? where on earth does the time go??? We got our transfer calls and i am leaving Székesfehérvár and I will be going to Szolnok with Greenwood Nővér!! i am sooooo excited!!
you know how everyone says its almost harder leaving an area then leaving your home to go on your mission? well they're right :( what the heck i'm going to miss everyone so much!! But I am so absolutely confident that the Lord directs this work.
I am soooo sad that i won't be with Withers Nővér anymore. She is literally going to be my best friend for the rest of my life I just know it! the Lord knows me perfectly, and he knows exactly where I am supposed to go, and how I can help his work go forward here in Hungary! there is noooooo such thing as getting comfortable on a mission haha what an amazing thing I get to be apart of here!!
We had splits again this week with the Sister Training Leaders and we were able to do our street singing thing one more time before the transfer! it was sooo successful! we got out 8 Book of Mormons! Seriously miracles happen every single day ahh.
i'm so sorry this email is so short, nem túl sokat csináltunk sajnos :( i love you all SO much and pray for you every single day. I just feel way too blessed every single day to be a missionary and i cant waaaaait for this next transfer and the new intresting situations i will get myself into hahah STAY POSTED.
sok szeretettel
Swenson Nővér
1. Pday activity today?getting ready for transfers!!!!
2. Do you always do your grocery shopping on Pday?yep yep yep :)
3. Does your branch have any mid-week activities?sport nap!!! its the best its just on saturday and we literally just play soccer with europeans ahh
4. Are there a lot of non-Hungarians in your town, i.e. Refugees, other nationalities?not that i really know of!
5. Do people mostly lived in apartments or houses in your area?eveeeerrryone lives in the 10 stories!!
6. Do most apartments/homes have air conditioning?no because hungarians are weird and are scared of air conditioning haha they think youre going to get a cold!
7. Are there little stores like 7-11 in Hungary?yes yes!
8. What are you studying now in your personal scripture study?we have a mission wide challenge to read at least 5 pages in the BOM every day and highlight in 4 different colors 1. everytime christ is referenced or god 2. christlike attributes 3. doctrine 4. christs words
9. Do you like the shampoo you can get in Hungary?yes!! they have like normal stuff :)
10. Did you know that your hair is soooop pretty? It really looks so healthy and pretty, seriously!!!thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me :')
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