Sündisznó. that is what my week started out with. so you could say it was the best week of my life!!!
Monday we went to Budapest
Wednesday we went to Budapest (zone conference holler)
Friday we went to SZEGED. Our zone won this challege, so our reward was going to Szeged and basically just had a day of games and fun with our whole zone. I played ninja pusztítás (destruction) with my mission president so you could say best day ever. Szeged is unbelieveably pretty. Unreal.
Even though I am only half way through my mission (what the weird right?) I cannot even begin to fathom my life without my mission. God knows me, oh so perfectly. and he loves me. I know that. I have felt that. I love him. and that is really why I am out here on a mission. BECAUSE of my csodálatos life. Because I have been given much, I too must give. I have the responsibility as a member of this church to share the gospel. I want every single person to know that they have a purpose here. Even the youths who laugh at us cause we are nuns, even the creepy bácsis who give us apples, even the wicked nénis who kick us out of buildings we are tracting. I have found the answer, Like Russel M. Nelson talked about, to eternal joy. and that is why I am still here, why I keep on keeping on, because this message has the power to absolutely change lives. The Atonement has the power to change lives, and how thankful am I for that. I am NOWHERE near perfect, or near the person I want to be, but with my Heavenly Father, and my older brother Jesus Christ, I can strive to be that person every day.
I just feel really blessed, and really so much gratitude to my Heavenly Father for leading me to a mission, making me go through these difficult things, and helping me to grow, and become better, every step of the way. My mission has changed my life. this gospel has changed my life. Jesus Christ has saved my life, and that is really why I am here. "i could never thank them enough"
Swenson Nővér
gordon nővér got super sick today, so we just worked on memory books. and hey guess what, nothin has changed. i HATE arts and crafts haha
2. Did you get to watch all of the sessions of conference?
2. Did you get to watch all of the sessions of conference?
not yet!! we will watch sunday night next sunday!
3. When is your next zone meeting?
probably after next transfer!!! on the 17!
3. When is your next zone meeting?
probably after next transfer!!! on the 17!
4. How often do you wash your hair in Hungary?
haha idk like every 3 days.. is that gross? haha
5. What time do you have to be back in your apartment?
5. What time do you have to be back in your apartment?
6. How far do you think you walk in one day?
6. How far do you think you walk in one day?
im not sure honestly!! a lot!
7. Are you feeling pretty good about your hungarian? Which is harder, talking or reading Hungarian?
7. Are you feeling pretty good about your hungarian? Which is harder, talking or reading Hungarian?
for me FOR SURE talking. i can read, and understand, and study hungarian so easily, but talking is really hard for me. but im at a point now where i can definitely get all of my points across, and speak for sure!
8. How are your Pday clothes holding up?
8. How are your Pday clothes holding up?
i am going to have to be buying stuff!
9. Do you ever play the piano at church?
9. Do you ever play the piano at church?
not yet. HOLLER.
10. Did you know that you are BEAUTIFUL? Really, truly, one hundred percent through and through beautiful!!!
10. Did you know that you are BEAUTIFUL? Really, truly, one hundred percent through and through beautiful!!!
i love you so much!!
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