Every time we go tracting, we pray and we ask our Heavenly Father to guide us to where we need to go, and to help us say what we need to say, and to speak this crazy langauge haah. We had planned to go to this one 10 storey to tract, and on the way there, I had this really weird feeling, and I just felt like we should turn, and tract in this specific building. I asked Sister Evans if she agreed, and she did. We tracted this building, and we found this incredible lady named Marta Néni. We were able to have an amazing discussion with her about Christ, and a little bit about the plan of salvation. It was honestly adorable. She brought out her journal and read us this letter she wrote to her children telling them all about Christ, and all about how he suffered for our sins, and how we should always remember him, and thank him for that. We were also able to give her a Book of Mormon, and schedule to meet with her again.
uhm, not really!! we should though!
3. Did you get your Thanksgiving package from the Ward?
3. Did you get your Thanksgiving package from the Ward?
yes it made my whole entire life. seriously thank you so much!
4. When you write in your journal do you use different colored pens?
4. When you write in your journal do you use different colored pens?
actually haha funny question, i was literally thinking about this yesterday. the journal i'm writing in right now I only use black 7 point pilot pens (probably because i have OCD) but in my other one i did.
5. Did you have a meal at any member's home this week? What did they make?
5. Did you have a meal at any member's home this week? What did they make?
yes, she made us gúlás(basically just like soup) , and palacsintas.(basically crepes) seriously so good.
6. What do you usually make yourself for breakfast, Lunch?
breakfast, I usually take plain greek joghurt, put some honey in it, cut up an apple and a banana and put oats in it. im kinda obsessed with it right now.
6. What do you usually make yourself for breakfast, Lunch?
breakfast, I usually take plain greek joghurt, put some honey in it, cut up an apple and a banana and put oats in it. im kinda obsessed with it right now.
7. Are the elders in the same town as you? How do you divide it up?
yes they are! we basically just split the city in half
8. Do Hungarians pay any attention to the American election?
8. Do Hungarians pay any attention to the American election?
... yes hahahaha
9. Have you heard how good the Utes are doing at football this year? Pretty exciting!!
9. Have you heard how good the Utes are doing at football this year? Pretty exciting!!
yes spencer gives me updates everyweek (SHOUTOUT SPENCER WHADDUP)
10. Did you know that your mommy thinks about you a million times a day? LOVE YOU SO MUCH....So, so much!!!
10. Did you know that your mommy thinks about you a million times a day? LOVE YOU SO MUCH....So, so much!!!
Do you know i probably think about you guys a million and two times? love you more!
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