Szerda: Sister Evans and I planned to go visit this inactive member named Magdi Néni in this little falu called Hajmáskér. We had this picture with a letter on the back to give to her from one of the Elders that served in Veszprém. When we first got there, we went to ring her csengő, and no one was home, we were so bummed cause it's kinda a huge trip to go to Hajmáskér, but we decided to tract around in the little családi houses. On our way back to Veszprém, Sister Evans had this feeling like we should go check if she is home again. We csengőd her, and this time she answered, but was just SO rude to us. haha like so unbelievably rude. We had to literally beg to get in to just give her this gift that Heaps Elder gave us to give her! She finally agreed and let us in, and then EVERYTHING changed. When we got to the door she was just the nicest, cutest lady i have ever met.
We talked about God's love, and how the church is like a hospital, we are all sick, and we all need the church. No one is perfect. Not one member!! At the end of the lesson she fed us a meal, gave us milka bars, christmas candy, and literally took her christmas decorations off of her wall to give to us, and apologized profusely for being so wicked at first. The gospel softens peoples hearts, i will tell you that!!
Péntek: INTERVIEWS with President. I absolutely adore my mission president. interviews are the best. I had the opportunity to talk to him about the "perfectionist" thing I have really been studying a lot lately. his answer to me was "why?" why do i feel like i need to be perfect? Guys i didn't have an answer for him. WE do not have to be perfect. that was never in the plan. We simply just need to try.
Vasárnap: Aniko came to church for Fast Sunday. The fast and testimony meeting was incredible. towards the end i had this really strong feeling to turn to aniko and tell her if she wanted to bear her testimony that she could. . She didn't know that she could bear her testimony if she wasn't a member! so i asked her and she said:
"but i dont have a testimony like these guys" and
I said,
"yes you do!! a testimony is just what you believe in, what makes you happy, things that you have learned"
she looked right back at me and said "thats a testimony? okay then i want to tell them"
then she went and bore the sweetest testimony i have ever heard. PEOPLE CAN CHANGE YOU GUYS. I am watching it happen right in front of my eyes.
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