We had such a good lesson this week with my all time favorite investigators (can i have a favorite investigator?) and our Mission President's wife Sister Szabadkai came with us. That woman is nothing but incredible. With Krisztián we talked a ton about decisions, and what we mean when we say we recieve "happiness" from this gospel. because of course we can get happiness from our cars, our motorcycles, boats, and all of those worldly things, but that's not what we mean. It means that honestly, we never really have to worry about the future, and what it will bring, becauswe we know whatever comes our way, for the good, or for the bad, it is a part of God's plan for us, és meg tudunk oldani mindent az Urral.
this week we went to meet one of our investigators, but when we got into her house, there was this angry néni sewing that told us we need to come back another time... haha So we rescheduled and went out to tract instead. We did a couple of buildings, and then we were standing outside ringing the bells and this néni walks up to us and so cordially says to us "If you guys press one more bell, I will break your hands." Arent the Hungarian people so cheerful? Also, right after that fun event we got on a bus home, and got off, when Mason said she felt something on her skirt, something wet. well yes, you guessed it. Mason sat on a puddle of pee in a public bus! yes that event did, indeed, happen. MAGYARORSZÁG.
OKAY NOW FOR THE PART WE HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. calm down, Kurt Volmar, I am indeed going to talk about conference! so here is the thing. during conference I had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude. firstly for my mission, that i could be here in Hungary listening so intently to the words of our prophet and apostles. I felt so thankful for Sister szabadkai, and President Szabadkai and for the grace, and how they run this mission. For my whole mission as well I felt thanks. All of my experiences, the good, the fantastic, the bad, and the moments I wanted to give up. All of it. I was so thankful for Heavenly Father's specific, individual, loving plan for even me! Just this human on earth that he loves so much because he is my father. I kinda looked at my mission as this quick course in learning and growing, and most importantly changing. Gosh I am thankful for the opportunity every day to change. I am thankful I was able to "choose the harder right than the easier wrong". I am thankful that my loving God and my Savior Jesus Christ didn't let me stubbornly be content with my life, and the place I was at home. I am grateful for all the nudges i recieved, the sure answer he gave me when i finally just opened my heart to his will. That was a HUGE lesson that struck me in conference. I just need to do what he asks of me. really, that's the reason we are here. I once again feel so spiritually motivated to be a better disciple of Jesus Christ.
I think that is such a blessing that we all recieve and take away from conference. Which is so interesting. because the whole time we are recieving instruction on how to be better, but it is done with such a love, such a finesse, that we walk away feeling motivated, feeling like a million bucks, feeling like a loved child of our father in heaven rather than discouraged or scared of the amount of work that is ahead. I am just so excited for this spiritual boost to help me just tackle the last 4 months of my mission. I know and trust in my fathers plan for me. I know that Christ died for us, so that we could be resurrected, and atoned for our sins so that we can live again with him someday. I know that he lives, and leads this church. I have such a thankful, humble heart to be a child of God.
this thing is a novel sorry about that I just got so excited to keep typing haha HAVE THE BEST WEEK.
sok szeretettel
Swenson nővér
interviews with president and going to the nagy piac to help mason get souvineers, and GOING TO LUNCH WITH WITHERS!
2. Have you met up with Wither's yet?
2. Have you met up with Wither's yet?
hehe ^^
3. Has spring come to Pest yet?????˘
3. Has spring come to Pest yet?????˘
ABSOLUTELY. oh goodness it is gorgeous here its unbelieveable
4. Have you given a talk in your new ward yet?
4. Have you given a talk in your new ward yet?
not yet no, and i doubt i ever will have to this thing is gigantic!
5. Have you ever served with Elder Seamons, the Elder that is coming home at the same time as you?
5. Have you ever served with Elder Seamons, the Elder that is coming home at the same time as you?
nope i have not
6. When does this transfer end?
6. When does this transfer end?
like two weeks on april 19 and i am SO SAD.
7. How is the guitar playing going?
7. How is the guitar playing going?
so fantastic. its the reason i exist still
8. How is your shoulder doing?
8. How is your shoulder doing?
its been good! a lot better lately.
9. How often do you have meals with members in this international ward?
9. How often do you have meals with members in this international ward?
definitely depends. not nearly as much as my other places, but we have had it a couple of times
10. Did you know that every minute of every day you are loved by this here mama!!!
10. Did you know that every minute of every day you are loved by this here mama!!!
haha did you know that literally every minute you are
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