ahhhhhh what a week!!!!
Soooo this week we got a new companion!!! Now we are three!! Sister Brantley (my MTC companion) came to us from Dunaújváros. I am sooo excited to serve with her again. haha trios are kiiinda the worst, and when we go tracting i feel like we are a little mob, but it's okay because I love my companions more than life haha.
1, This week we had the most district unity I have ever seen in my life haha in the morning Sister Gordon and I ran to the store to get some stuff to make the Elders cookies, just because we love them and as a little service, and when we got home, there were flowers on our doorstep from them. DISTRICT UNITY PEOPLE.
So so so sorry I dont have that much time!! Next week I will give a much better email i promise haha things will be settled down a little bit more with the move and everything. I love being a missionary. I love Hungarians. I love Hungarian. I love this work. I love teaching people things that they have never even heard of before, Things that actually have the power to completely change their lives. Thats what this gospel does. It changes peoples lives.
Swenson nővér!
helped brantley move in, grocery shopping, played guitar, nothing too exciting!
2. Have all of the STL's that you have had splits with, been absolutely fabulous?
2. Have all of the STL's that you have had splits with, been absolutely fabulous?
YES. ahhhh also i got to go on aplits with my mommmmm :)
3. Do you think that you are going to be able to replicate some Hungarian food when you got home...i.e. Make us a good old fashioned Hungarian feast?
YES. i will get all the receptes i possibly can!
3. Do you think that you are going to be able to replicate some Hungarian food when you got home...i.e. Make us a good old fashioned Hungarian feast?
YES. i will get all the receptes i possibly can!
4. Do they celebrate Halloween in Hungary?
they dont really celebrate halloween sajnos :(
5. Do you have a mission saying or slogan or something like that?
teach repentance, baptize converts.
6. Can you wear fingernail polish? What colors do you like?
6. Can you wear fingernail polish? What colors do you like?
yes! like blues, and greens!
7. Have you thought about anything you might like in your package? I am going to try to get it out this week....
8. How often do you get to Budapest nowadays?
like nevverrrrrr sajnos :( but we will be going next week!!
9. What does Gordon Nover want to be when she grows up?
9. What does Gordon Nover want to be when she grows up?
she doesnt really know!
10. Did you know that I look at your pictures every day and see your beautiful face...and smile sooo big!!
10. Did you know that I look at your pictures every day and see your beautiful face...and smile sooo big!!
i hope sooo! i miss you guys SO much!!
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