Did any of you guys have a bácsi point a gun at you this week?
How's that for a starting sentence of an email?? (mother I am alive I promise. Everything is okay) haha this week was seriously so much funnnnnn. We got to tract a ton of családi houses and we were right next to 4 goats just casually roaming the street ( I love Hungary) We got this let in with this crazy bácsi, who only wanted to talk about America, then like midway, while I was bearing my testimony he stands up and walks upstairs and gets his son. Nice, but so awkward cause his son is like 30 and just such an awkward citizen. So brutal. Anywho, as a miracle from GOD we got a phone call and we pretended like we had to leave... BUT... not before he took us into the other room to show us his GUN WALL. haha he took one off while he was talking to us and he kept like pointing it at us.. Gordon nővér and I made this eye contact that just said "well, this is it, this is how we go. right here, right now" haha but ne féljetek, were still here to tell the tale.
I have another exciting story about this week about giving out Book of Mormons, I promise this isn't the only thing i do out here, I just LOVE streeting people...One day this week we finished one of our lessons at around 8 o'clock. and we were suuuuper tired because we had a super busy day. We knew we should stay out until 9 o'clock haha... We began to street and we were able to give out the two Book of Mormons that we had with us. We ran back to our apartment to grab some more Book of Mormons. We continued to street and we gave out 2 more!!!. At this point we had already given out 5 Book of Mormons that day, and it was around 8:50, and we were kinda trying to figure out hoooowwwww much we really wanted to go back out. But obviously we knew that we needed to go back out and try for just 10 more minutes. We grabbed two more book of mormons and went back out! We said a really heart filled prayer to our Heavenly Father thanking Him that we were able to give out 5 Book of Mormons already that day, and we also asked to help us give out a couple more.. We went out and were able to give out two more!!! and how big of a blessing that was. in my prayer i kinda almost felt silly asking if we could give out two more, because we had already had been blessed so much! but i am so thankful that we decided to go back out and that we could give two more of Heavenly Fathers children a Book of Mormon.
I have such a strong testimony of exact obedience. I have seen the blessings of it in my missionary work. This doesn' mean that we are perfect, no one is perfect except for our Savior, Jesus Christ. But that doesn't mean that we dont try our best every single day to be a better person than we were the last day. I am so thankful for a loving Heavenly Father, that notices our efforts to be better, and is truly proud of us.
1. Pday activities today? Any sightseeing going on?
szolnok isnt really a "sight seeing city" hahaha but today i basically baked all day. i am on this new thing where i abosolutely adore cooking. haha so i just baked all day long yayyy
2. Do you have a member that can play the piano in your ward?
nope! haha we as missionaries play!
3. What day do you guys have district meeting?
4. What is a "hungarian" thing that people do? Like in America, everybody watches football on Sunday...Any Hungarian "things"?
uhm...... the only thing i can think of right now is that when there is like a concert, or a performance, everbody claps in sync. so its not just like a chaos of clapping, its like everyone claps at the same time, haha its kinda really cool... haha something all hungarians do is cook hah they just cook alll dayyyyyyyyyy lonnnnnng
5. Does milk come in plastic jugs in Hungary?
actually no! haha usually its paper!
6. I am starting to think about my next package.....any requests???
hmm i will think this next week :) youre the bets mom everrrr
7. Are you a pro at riding trains now?
actually yes, haha i love trains!
8. Do any missionaries in your mission have cars?
nope :(
9. Do you need some winter shoes?
YES hamarosan
10. Did you know that you have the absolutely most beautiful shiny, sparkly eyes...window to your beautiful soul!!!
you are such a nice mother:) love you!
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