Guys, this is 20 year old Swenson Nővér speaking and I need to inform you all that turning 20 instantly changed me and I am now an adult and do adulty things and am super mature, successful, you know, adulty things.
We met again with Fanny and Adrienn to answer all their questions about the plan of salvation, and talk about christ is the center of Heavenly Fathers perfect plan. It was kinda crazy because fanny had never even heard about the atonement, so we had to really break it up very simply, and it was amazing to just simply testify that God loves us. Christ loves us, and that is simply why he atoned for our sins. In the missionary broadcast they talked a lot about how simple this gospel is. Elder Bednar said "living the gospel is not that easy, but understanding the gospel is not that difficult."
Fanny is the coolest person ever and she was showing us her drawings cause she sells them, and there was a lot of star wars, and I just so happened to have a lightsaber in my bag that I recieved from Elder Thomas and Elder Norris, so you could say that me and fanny get along, or that I am a freaking weirdo, whatever you think fits better haha
I just am so beyond thankful for all of the amazing people I have met here on my mission. my companions, my districts, other missionaries, the members, my investigators, my mission president, his wife. I was thinking about how grateful I am for every single one of them this week, and it made me just even more thankful for my mission. I dont believe in coincidences, I believe that God puts each and every single person in your life because he knows you. He knows how to answer your prayers, and he knows what you need. I am thankful for that. I love him, and Ilove this gospel, and I love my mission.
1. Pday plans today?
2. Where do people in Hungary go to the temple?
2. Where do people in Hungary go to the temple?
Freiberg Germany
3. Are people generally friendly when you go door to door?
3. Are people generally friendly when you go door to door?
generally yes theyre not too rude, but sometimes its just almost hilarious how rude they are haha
4. So, when is the next time you will be in Budapest to maybe get your package?
4. So, when is the next time you will be in Budapest to maybe get your package?
I think transfers :((
5. Is the weather getting any warmer?
5. Is the weather getting any warmer?
hahaha nope nope nope
6. So, quick. What did you make yourself for dinner last night?
6. So, quick. What did you make yourself for dinner last night?
we were fed by a member and it was this soup with like potatoes and kolbász and ham and beans and noodles, so good haha served with these delicious spicy pickles, bread, tea. suuuuper healthy haha
7. What are you studying in your personal study right now?
7. What are you studying in your personal study right now?
right now i am studying patience, temperence, and long suffering!
8. What time are you usually asleep by? Do you fall right to sleep when you go to bed?
usually by 10 i am asleep. and it definitely depends on the night!
9. Do they have american brands of like toothpaste, deodorant, mascaras????
9. Do they have american brands of like toothpaste, deodorant, mascaras????
toothpaste i have found my brand and i will stick to it forever its the colgate whitening stuff. deodorant no.. haha actually could you send me more of that? and mascara, yes!!
10. Did you know that your emails every week keep your mamma alive. I love you so so much!!!
10. Did you know that your emails every week keep your mamma alive. I love you so so much!!!
do you know that your emails every week keep your lindsi alive?!? haha but really dead serious i love you more!
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