This week I was able to watch one of our investigators, Rita, be baptized by her 18 year old son Oliver, who has been a member for a little over a year. You guys, I can honestly say it was a moment I will absolutely never, ever forget. Rita has just taught me countless things while we have been meeting her, I am SO humbled, and so grateful for the opportunity I have had to associate with such an amazing human. Some advice that she gave Oliver when he wanted to be baptized has stuck with me. She told him "If you want to be baptized, do it. but you dont go get baptized because the missionaries want you to, because you think I will get baptized, because its something 'different' to do, you get baptized because you believe in this, and you are going to live this the rest of your life" and that is EXACTLY what she did when she decided to be baptized.
Life is too good. now i am going to write some advice, that is mainly for me, but you guys can take what you would like from it. ENJOY where are are in life. live every single second of it. don't think forward, dont think backward, think right now, this day. make this day good. make this day happy. happiness is a choice.
Next week i will be sending lots of love from my house in budaPEST. holler.
-Swenson out
yes yes we do! its basically a day to pack, and say bye, but we still get one!
2. Is your suitcase going to be able to make the move?
2. Is your suitcase going to be able to make the move?
yes, we hope haha
3. How are your bedsheets holding up?
3. How are your bedsheets holding up?
4. Are your winter shoes going to make it through the winter?
4. Are your winter shoes going to make it through the winter?
yes yes, but i am definitely going to have to get some new summer shoes, those guys did not make it through the winter haha
5. Did you make sure to get good pictures of your apartment?
5. Did you make sure to get good pictures of your apartment?
of course haha
6. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
6. What do you usually eat for breakfast?
literally every day i eat a yogurt, apple, banana, and oat parfait
7. Has your schedule changed much since the new "flexibility"
7. Has your schedule changed much since the new "flexibility"
honestly yes! its been amazing.
8. How many sisters are there in your whole mission?
8. How many sisters are there in your whole mission?
around 27!
9. Have you had any bad illness this winter?
9. Have you had any bad illness this winter?
surprisingly, no!
10. Did you know I think about you ALL THE TIME? I mean really, all the time. Love you so much cutie.
10. Did you know I think about you ALL THE TIME? I mean really, all the time. Love you so much cutie.
hahaha TELL ME ABOUT IT. i love you toooooo!
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