After that, we went to a lesson with our investigator Gyöngyi and she is now ON BAP DATE!!!! we are so so soooo excited for her and so excited to work with her towards that amazing day! That night while tracting, we got a let in with this Néni named Éva and, wooowww that woman could talk. She also LOVED prayers so she had me and Greenwood pray like 3 times. Then we ended up missing our bus, but we were finally able to get in about 3 words and talk to her about the Book of Mormon. This woman has a HEART OF GOLD. Also, it was so funny because we were just sitting there talking and mid conversation she just got up, and found this blonde wig... and put it on. Then she just continued on like nothing happened. I LOVE HUNGARIANS.
csütörtök: District meeting was soo great with the Elders. Elder Baird does a really really good job of bringing the spirit during our district meetings. This week we had a "personal interview with God." These questions are amazing and I encourage you guys to take this little interview for yourself and evaluate where you are with your Heavenly Father.
1. Are you happy?
2. Do I love my companion? (or family and friends)
3. Do I love being a missionary in Hungary? (or do i like the life I am living right now?)
4. Do I feel like I am giving my all?
5. What more can I give?
6. Am I proud of myself/ what do I like about myself?
7. What are my strengths?
8. Do I know that God loves me/ do I know that God is proud of me?
Péntek: friday we had to go to Budapest. When we got there I got to see President and my comp and I had little impromptu interviews with him. haha and GUESS WHAT? I had my first interview with President in alll hungarian!!! I was so happy about that little win in my week haha hungarian is HARD you guys! but it was really cool.
Vasarnap: I AM IN LOVE WITH THE SZOLNOK BRANCH. they are thee most caring, patient, and loving people I have ever met. I am so lucky to be serving in Szolnok right now ahhh. Also two of our investigators, Attila and Polett came to church. On Sunday I had another one of those moments where I just look around and realized, holy cow I am way too blessed. I actually had a suuper cool experience in my personal studies the other day. I had been praying a lot a lot for the Savior to help me know of his love for me individually. In my personal studies I was reading all about Samuel the Lamanite (my favorite scripture story) and then I had this idea to read a Liahóna article. The talk I read, I promise, was written for me, at that time. holy cow. the talk talked all about the Samuel the Lamanite story, and what we can learn from it, and then it went right into alma 26, which is my favorite chapter in the whole Book of Mormon. It was such a testimony builder for me to know that the Lord is truly aware of me, and what i'm going through, AT ALL TIMES. even when I wonder what on earth is going on in this crazy country!
I love you all so much! Thank you for the support and kind words, You have NO CLUE how much that means to a little missionary like me! have THE BEST WEEKS. imadkozom rólatok mindig!
sok sok sok szeretettel,
Swenson Nővér
we had kinda a short pday today because of the big sport nap in Békéscsaba this week, so just grocery shopping!
2. Do Hungarian kids have summer vacation?
2. Do Hungarian kids have summer vacation?
3. What do Hungarian teenagers do for fun?
run around like youths in the streets
3. What do Hungarian teenagers do for fun?
run around like youths in the streets
4. Is soccer big in Hungary?
5. How many miles a day would you say you walked?
uhmmmmm not positive! probably like 5? 7?
6. Do any of the Hungarian missionaries have cars?
6. Do any of the Hungarian missionaries have cars?
nope ?(8. How big is your district?
just us and 1 companionship of elders!
9. Do you always come back to your apartment for lunch?
yep :)
10. Did you know that you are one of the kindest, most caring people that I know....You have always had that big soft part of your heart that makes people know that they are true friends. I am super glad you are my friend...forever!!!
10. Did you know that you are one of the kindest, most caring people that I know....You have always had that big soft part of your heart that makes people know that they are true friends. I am super glad you are my friend...forever!!!
i love you :) mind örökre :)
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