I'm sitting here right now, in a library in Szolnok Hungary, listening to the pouring rain, and feeling a liiiiiiiitle too blessed to be a missionary, thats all.
Szerda: szerda we had a little csoda happen to us!! We went over to Margó nénis house who we tracted into like a month ago and gave a Book of Mormon to. Today when we showed up, she had literally read half of it, and took notes, and had sooo many questions for us! We got to teach vissza to her and it was such a cool experience. It is kinda cool to know that whenever we hand out a Book of Mormon, or give someone a pass along card, or share our testimonies with them, it honestly has the potential to change lives.
Then we went straight to this other investigators house that the Elders had given us because he was in our area. His name is Tibor and he is sooooooo rendes. The meeting was a liitle interesting though. He was just definitely smoking and sipping a beer the whole time, and "ya" by usher and lil john kept going off because his phone kept ringing. Lovely. But, it was cool because his friend came over during our lesson, and he was like fascinated with us and with the Mormon church. He asked us soo many questions (in the fastest hungarian i've ever heard haha) and was so impressed that we could speak Hungarian. It was such a great opportunity and I think, if anything, we left a really good view of the Mormon church with them.
Csütörtök: thursday we had zone conference in Budapest again. it was alll about our area books (whooo partyyyyy!) but the zone leaders did a really good job, and my mission president and his wife are the most adorable people I have ever met on this earth. seriously they just love us, and missionary work, so much, and they are giving their ALL here in Hungary for the Lord's work here on earth. Ahh I love them!! after the conference our district got to go and see the Baszilika together and it was SUCH a blast.
Péntek: Friday I finished the Book of Mormon challenge that our Mission President gave us! It was seriously such a good opportunity for me to do that challenge. That was the fastest, and the most I've ever gotten out of the Book of Mormon. This time the lényég that i got out of it is that spreading this gospel is the absolute most important thing. I have never noticed how many verses are solely about missionary work. legit the whole book haha. I also realized how important it is to share this gospel with boldness, and with love. and if we truly follow the Lords will ,and plans for us, we will truly be happier in our lives.
Friday night we got to meet with one of our investigators Polett. she is incredible. Seriously she is just so caring, and so nice, and so patient, and she really makes everyone feel so loved. i am SO grateful for her in my life.
Szombat: Saturday we had a dinnyeevés with the relief society. (melon party) and when we walked into the party THREE of our investigators actually showed up. Ladies and gentlemen this was a Christmas miracle. The party was so fun, and now there is some video of me cutting a watermelon with a bunch of hungarians screaming at me all over facebook somewhere. LOVELY. haha
"To him our direction is ever more important than our speed" -Larry R. Lawrence. I read this this morning in my personal studies and it kinda just hit me really hard. it reminded me so much of Elder hollands talk last conference. God is aware of us. he KNOWS were trying. and how amazing is it that we get credit for that effort. Im so thankful to be out here. im going to be honest, a mission is not easy you guys. but it is so important. it is so important to try every day to be better than we were yesterday, and to serve just a little bit more than we did yesterday, and to just continually be trying to become better, and through Jesus Christs atonement is how that is possible.
Swenson nővér
its hétfő in the email!! :)
2. How far do you run when you run?
uhm we only have 30 minutes so usually like 3 miles!
2. How far do you run when you run?
uhm we only have 30 minutes so usually like 3 miles!
3. Do you love how Hungarian sounds when you sing hymns?
yes i never ever want to sing hyms in english again haha
4. How many more weeks until your next transfer?
4. How many more weeks until your next transfer?
3 more ahhhh
5. Would you like a hymn book with guitar chords?
5. Would you like a hymn book with guitar chords?
that would be sooooo cool :)
6. Where is Greenwood going to school after her mission?
6. Where is Greenwood going to school after her mission?
7. Do you write in your journal every day?
7. Do you write in your journal every day?
haha maid nem...
8. How is your shoe situation? Do you need new ones?
8. How is your shoe situation? Do you need new ones?
the ones i got a little while ago are holding up, i might need some new ones soon!
9. What would you say is Hungary's favorite sport?
9. What would you say is Hungary's favorite sport?
definitely soccer!
10., Did you know that you have really cute hands? I remember thinking that when you were just a baby, and they stayed that way all the way growing up.
10., Did you know that you have really cute hands? I remember thinking that when you were just a baby, and they stayed that way all the way growing up.
hahaha thank you!!
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