Hallostok csillagaim, hogy vagytok? sok mindent csináltunk ezen a héten. Holy what a fast week. ahhh the time is beginning to go by so fast here and its kinddda low key freaking me out!
Kispest. The STLs got a brand new apartment and we were the first sisters to do splits in it, So ooooobbbviously we bought them a house warming succulent. It was incredible haha. I went on splits with Willets again and we went to thee most eccentric nénis house. The only way I can describe her is as a little fairy! She fed us yummy food then we raced off to another lesson with József, who Withers taught before. I've heard tons about him so it was so fun to meet him! We then taught Angol óra (english class) and I said the opening prayer and they all said my hungarian pronunciation was so good :') THATS THE NICEST THING ANYONE HAS EVER SAID TO ME IN MY LIFE haha.
Szombat: Holy best day! Saturday was the big "sport nap" buli in Békéscsaba and it was so much fun. we all crammed into this little "bus" that the branch rented. I got to sit by Judit the whole way up and she is honestly probably my favorite person to exist on earth. We got to see tons of our missionarz friends and spend the day with them! We went to lunch, and got gyros táls that were GIGANTIC, and delicious. We then played jeopardy, and then, President and Sister Szabadkai showed up and we went on a tour of Békéscsaba. SUCH a beautiful place. Richi and I (a member in békés who literally planned the whole buli) talked and decided I need to serve in Békéscsaba. Haha so hopefully President gets on board with that as well ;)
Everybody go read Elder Hollands talk "cast not away therefore your confidence" again okay? I promise you will never be more spiritually pumped in your entire life!! I love you ALL. Seriously. Don't forget about this missionary over here in Szolnok Hungary!!!!!!!!!
Hiányzol nekem, és nagyon szeretlek titiket! (translation: I miss you and love you very much.)
Nothing too exciting, Just grocery shopping and playing my guitarrrrr
2. What do you usually buy when you go to the grocery store?
hahaha groceries!
3. Do you have an opportunity to play your guitar very much?
hahah yes its literally what keeps me sane out here haha
4. Does Greenwood play the piano well?
2. What do you usually buy when you go to the grocery store?
hahaha groceries!
3. Do you have an opportunity to play your guitar very much?
hahah yes its literally what keeps me sane out here haha
4. Does Greenwood play the piano well?
she is incredible
5. How many people are there usually at your branch?
5. How many people are there usually at your branch?
around like 15? 20?
6. How many hours is your church? Do you do the full 3?
6. How many hours is your church? Do you do the full 3?
yes yes
7. What kind of building do you meet in for church?
7. What kind of building do you meet in for church?
its a little csáladi ház theyve made into a church!!
9. Do they have pizza in Hungary?
9. Do they have pizza in Hungary?
10. Did you know that you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Yep, it's true!!
10. Did you know that you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. Yep, it's true!!
you are the nicest mom!! i love youuuu
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