UPDATE ON COMPANION: soooooo I basically am the luckiest person because Gordon Nővér is the best human. She is adorable. She is from St. George Utah, went to school at Dixie State, and has been on her mission for a year. We are liiiiterally going to be best friends and I cannot wait for this transfer!!!! (I guess its already here, but you get the idea haha)
This was kiiinda a crazy week with transfers and everything. saying goodbye to Greenwood was soooo sad :( but its okay because change is good you know?!
Highlights of the week:
2. AUGUST 20. my first holiday in Hungary!!!!!! This holiday is about some king, that did some thing with christianity? As you can tell I am well versed in Hungarian history. BUT the day was so fun. We went to a members house and had a traditional hungarian "bogrács" which is where they cook this giant thing of soup in a big pot over a fire. We played all these games with the members. Our investigator Polett came, and I adore her so much. Such a good time!! That night we watched fireworks over the Tisza river and I ONCE AGAIN had one of those moments where i felt wayyyy too blessed to be a missionary here in this beautiful country of Hungary.
3. My companion and I were invaded by 2 of the BIGGEST BEES I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. We literally locked ourselves in our little room for the evening and did not dare to come out because I am sure we would have lost an arm.
nagyon szeretlek titeket. remélem minden rendben veletek :)
sok szeretettel,
Swenson Nővér
1. What did you do for your Pday today?
2. Do you see the Elder's in your district every day? How do you split up the town?
the town is basically in half, and we usually do end up seeing them everyday!
3. Do you and your companion do your companion study in Hungarian?
hahaha no
4. How is the running going?
my new comp doesnt love running as much sajnos.. but im hoping to go still a couple times a week!
5. Did you get your package?
yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and i adore you thank you thank you thank you!!!
6. Are you missing any American foods like crazy yet?
yesssssssss cafe rió and cottage cheese and milkshakes
7. Do you like to wear scarves?
sometimes!! i really like the plaid red one we got for my mission!
8. You said you would like a selfie stick....do they work with regular cameras?
9. What was the last dinner that you cooked for yourself?
thai foooooood :)
10. Did you know that your outfits always look so cute in your pictures? You just pull off that beautiful American missionary thing!!!
you are adorable thank you hahaha