Csütörtök: hollllllllllyyyyyyyyy cow. greenwood and I successfully pulled off a 4 lesson day. (this never happens here in Szolnok Hungary people). First we met with Viktor, our miracle find last week when we were tracting, and it went really good. We planned to talk about the atonement, but our lesson went a completely different way and we talked about receiving answers to our prayers. I think it was super good for him! Then we met with our bap date Gyöngyi, and we brought a member present, and it actually was kinda a rough lesson haha our memeber present was your typical Néni and they kinda just argued the whole time. ahhhh typical. lovely. Then we taught one of the ward members Béa. We then ended off the night with cute little Polett talking about humilily. I LOVE the days filled with work, cause thats kiiiiiinda the reason i'm here on a mission hahah.
Péntek: Buuuuuuuudapest!!! We had to go to Budapest again and it's always so fun. We got to see Adams nővér one of the STLs and I just love her so much. We are campaigning to serve together so wish us luck hahaha
Szombat: Saturday we met with cute Adri again and we talked about the restoration. Guys the restoration is SO powerful. every single time we teach the restoration, I am blown away by the spirit that I feel testifying of its truthfulness. We have SUCH a powerful message to share with this world. and I am so thankful for that! Little Adri is so cute and I see some serious potential in her!!
Well if youre still reading this, GRATULÁLOK. haha im so thankful for the support of my friends and fam out here on my mission. Literally couldn't do it without you guys. love you all so much. :)
sok szeretettel,
Swenson Nővér
1. Pday plays today? I LOVE to year what you are doing on your Pdays.
today baird had a member from Békéscsaba come and his name is richie so weve been hanging out all day! we went to lunch and then he was teaching us how to do the hungarian whip!! super super fun!! i cant wait to teach you guys how to whip!
today baird had a member from Békéscsaba come and his name is richie so weve been hanging out all day! we went to lunch and then he was teaching us how to do the hungarian whip!! super super fun!! i cant wait to teach you guys how to whip!
2. How was your relief society lesson Sunday? Did you teach?
haha it was great! and no no thats in a little bit!
3. Do you do much contacting on the bus?
3. Do you do much contacting on the bus?
uhmm, sometimes!! the buses are usually super short so we dont have much time. and hungarians LOVE small talk hahahahahah
4. What do you usually say when you go to the door while tracting?
4. What do you usually say when you go to the door while tracting?
hát.... my friend and i are missionaries from the church of jesus christ of latter day saints, we would like to share a short, uplifting message with you about the book of mormon and jesus christ...
vagy magyarul mi misszionáriusok vagyunk, a Jézus Krisztus egyházától, és ma, mi csak meg szeretnénk osztani egy rövid felemelő üzenetet veled, erről a könyvéről, a mormon könyvéról, az érdekelne hallgatni?
5. What is your favorite thing about Sloznok?
5. What is your favorite thing about Sloznok?
haha Szolnok, and it is the belváros!!! and the people here are just really really nice!!!
6. When you do your sports nap, do you get to play soccer with the guys?
6. When you do your sports nap, do you get to play soccer with the guys?
yes always! and its on saturday nights!
7. Have you gotten to play any volleyball since you have been in Hungary?
sajnos nem :(
7. Have you gotten to play any volleyball since you have been in Hungary?
sajnos nem :(
8. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
a jó reggelt and an apple!
9. What is your bedtime routine?
9. What is your bedtime routine?
haha get ready for bed, braid my hair, pray, get a waterbottle and sleep? haha idk!
10. Did you know that if I am ever feeling sad, all I have to do is think about you, and my life is a TON happier!!! Love, Love, Love you.
10. Did you know that if I am ever feeling sad, all I have to do is think about you, and my life is a TON happier!!! Love, Love, Love you.
same goes RIGHT BACK TO YOU!!!
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