Szerda was kinda the best day ever, kinda the worst day ever. We have been super sick this whole week and we started on wednesday ahhh. We are definitely the epitome of "sharing the gospel with the sound of a trump" hahaha anyway, Wednesday we had a lesson with Gyöngyi (our investigator on bap date) and we kinda had to do like a DTR with her and figure out where she is, and what she needs help with. We knew she had a problem with coffee, so we decided to talk about the Word of Wisdom. It was seriously such a cool experience. She has such a desire to change, she just really doesnt know how it is possible to quit when she has so much stress in her life. The Elders were able to come right away and give her a blessing and it was a really cool experience to watch Gyöngyi have so much faith and to see her want to change.
Saturday was my favorite person in the world Judits name day! she was going to come to a program with us but then the person cancelled, so instead we streeted around and gave out 3 book of Mormons. it was so cool. we met the COOLEST guy who was a soldier. He was in a really bad accident and had to get a ton of skin grafts, and he was in a coma. It is a miracle from God that he is still living today. Such a cool testimony and such a cool experience to meet him.
That night they had this little party in the plaza in Szolnok and this band from Tennessee called "redneck roadkill" came and was singing all of these country sounds. and it was... lovely. just lovely. haha classiest people i've ever seen.
I have SUCH a strong testimony that the Lord puts us in the right places, at the right times. Holy cow! Monday we were tracting in the kert város and we tracted into this guy, who was saying how he had been to our church one time with his older brother. As we were talking to him, his brother pulled up in a car, and we started talking to him, and he was an old investigator, that had to stop meeting cause his work schedule was super crazy. But, now he has a huge break on his job, and can start meeting again. I felt soooo blessed that the Lord was able to put his trust in us and lead us to this certain door, at this certain time. seriously so cool.
While I was in sacrament this week I had kinda a cool experience. I was just watching every individual person take the sacrament, and every individual cup, and every individual piece of bread, and I had the coolest realization about the Saviors love for us. The sacrament is such a personal experience. Our savior sufferered for each and every single one of us. As we drink the water, and partake of the bread, we can kinda think of it as the Saviors personal sacrifices for us, in that little cup, or bread. As we partake, we are reminded that through the Savior, we can be healed. Then we renew our commitment to accept, and follow Heavenly Father's will for our life. I am SO grateful for the sacrament, and for the atonement, and that every single Sunday we can restart our week, and continue to strive to become like our Savior. I LOVE this gospel. I love the happiness it brings me, the direction it brings me, and the purpose it brings me.
we. are. so. blessed.
swenson Nővér
haha yes it was very fun!
2. What role do you play during church? Do you have to teach, give talks, etc?
2. What role do you play during church? Do you have to teach, give talks, etc?
haha usually we just go!!! its very nnice! but next week were teaching relief society so yayy
3. Where are the Elder's in your district from?
3. Where are the Elder's in your district from?
utahhhhh haha hughes is from orem and baird is from pleasant grove
4. What did you make for dinner last night?
4. What did you make for dinner last night?
we were fed lesco by sandoooor!!! literally the spiceyest thing ive ever eaten ah
5. Is your phone an IPhone?
5. Is your phone an IPhone?
hahahahahah no. its like one of those indestructable nokias haha
6. How often do you need to wash your hair?
6. How often do you need to wash your hair?
uhm hahahah just like the usual!!
7. What is something that has really touched you from your personal study this week that you can share with me.
7. What is something that has really touched you from your personal study this week that you can share with me.
refer above to my email :)
8. How often do you talk to your mission President?
8. How often do you talk to your mission President?
hmmmmmm it depends!! usually at zone conference, and whenever we go to budapest, and we have interviews this week!
9. What is your Branch President like?
9. What is your Branch President like?
he lives in Kecskemét so we dont see him a ton, but he is a really cool guy!
10. How do you keep getting more beautiful every day?ű
10. How do you keep getting more beautiful every day?ű
cause youre my mom ;)
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