What a crazy week!! haha i feel like i could say that every single week serving here in the Hungary budapest Mission.
I am so sorry i dont have much time this week so i will just hit some of the highlights from the week. haha
First of all GREAT NEWS: I AM STAYING IN SZOLNOK :') I was so scared I was going to have to one and done my second city, but ne féljetek!!! I will be getting Gordon Nővér and I know her a little bit cause she was in my last zone, and she is ADORABLE so i'm super excited to serve with her :)
Second, I HAVE BEEN ON A MISSION FOR 6 MONTHS. where does time even go?
I have been reading the 4 gospels and Jesus the Christ by Talmage for my personal studies lately, and I real quickly just want to bear my testimony of our Savior. I have such a deep appreciation for everything that my Savior has done for me, and every human on this earth. As I read miracle after miracle that he performed during his life here on earth, I kinda just sit here astonished about them all. These things really happened you guys. Jesus Christ raised people from the dead, he gave blind people vision, he fed FIVE THOUSAND people with 5 loaves and 2 fish. I know sometimes we just read these things and think, "oh yes that's very cool that those things happened" but no, these things are MIRACLES you guys. miracles that the son of God was sent down to earth, and performed these for his brothers and sisters on earth. the atonement is real. and can help every single one of us, every single day. I have seen it on my mission. I have seen people change. once again i am just so grateful for this gospel, and i am SO grateful that I can be a missionary in this crazy country i get to call my home for the next year :)
packing ahhhh and getting ready for transfers!!
2. How are your sheets holding up?
2. How are your sheets holding up?
pretty good actually!
3. Are you thinking in Hungarian? Do you still have to think in English and translate, or are you able to just talk????
3. Are you thinking in Hungarian? Do you still have to think in English and translate, or are you able to just talk????
haha i mean when im speaking hungarian i think in hungarian, and no i can basically just talk now!
4. Do you prefer to wear dresses or skirts and blouses?
4. Do you prefer to wear dresses or skirts and blouses?
dresses for suuuuure
5. Is it still crazy humid and hot?
5. Is it still crazy humid and hot?
not as bad as in june and july!! but definitely yes. haha ahh it gets sooo hot!
6. Do you still get time to play your guitar?
6. Do you still get time to play your guitar?
yes, it is literally my favorite thing in the world.
7. Is all of your stuff going to fit in your old and new suitcase?
7. Is all of your stuff going to fit in your old and new suitcase?
8. Have you formed an opinion as to what is your favorite Hungarian meal yet?
8. Have you formed an opinion as to what is your favorite Hungarian meal yet?
definitely rakott krumpli! or anything with nöl kedli in it. holy yummmmmm.
9. Do you have a zone conference every transfer?
9. Do you have a zone conference every transfer?
yes we have about 3 a transfer!
10. Did you know that your eyes SPARKLE? You are crazy beautiful my amazing Lindsi!!
10. Did you know that your eyes SPARKLE? You are crazy beautiful my amazing Lindsi!!
you are adorable and i miss you SO MUCH!
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