TIP: If you live in budapest, make sure you have a companion named Mason nővér. Otherwise you will not have any clue what you are doing, how to use a metro, which bus to get on, and you will walk around in awe everywhere you go.
This week just went by so quickly. Thursday we had the first district meeting with our new district. our district is made up of me, Sister Mason from Laguna Beach, California, Elder Ure from Highland Utah, And Elder Veres from Frezno California. so as you can tell they are all much cooler than me.
My spritual thought today comes from J. Devon Cornish the man himself. This was my absolute favorite talk last conference.
"Please, my beloved brothers and sisters, we must stop comparing ourselves to others. We torture ourselves needlessly by competing and comparing. We falsely judge our selfworth by the things we do or don’t have and by the opinions of others. If we must compare, let us compare how we weare in the past to how we are today even to how we want to be in the future. The only opinion of us that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of us. Please sincerely ask Him what He thinks of you. He will love and correct but never discourage us; that is Satan’s trick."
This is so true. this quote has honestly changed my mission, and my life. DON NOT compare yourself to anyone, that is never going to do any good. Focus on yourself. focus on becoming a better person day by day. Really just like Elder Cornish said, all that matters is what our Heavenly Father thinks of you.
I LOVE YOU ALL. just remember that always.
mind ezt mondtam ezeket a dolgokat Jézus Krisztus szent nevében, amen.
sok szeretettel,
we are going to go out to eat, and bowling with the elders, and just explore this crazy place
2. Tell me all about your new WARD!!
haha i talked all about it in my email! kinda crazy that it is a ward right?
3. Do you have a bigger apartment? Same size?
its around the same size, but SO much nicer haha like it is incredible.
3. Do you have a bigger apartment? Same size?
its around the same size, but SO much nicer haha like it is incredible.
4. Did all of your stuff fit in your suitcase?
hahah i tried just so hard! i aquired so much stuff in veszprém
5. How big is your district?
5. How big is your district?
us and two elders!
6. Where is your companion from?
6. Where is your companion from?
Laguna Beach, California
7. Does the hungarian sound the same in the city as the country?
7. Does the hungarian sound the same in the city as the country?
yes it does!
8. Are you a professional at riding hungarian buses?
8. Are you a professional at riding hungarian buses?
hahaha no i literally just follow mason around everywhere, when she leaves i am going to get lost every single day
9. Any dinner with members this week?
9. Any dinner with members this week?
yes a member took us to IKEA cause i live in the most rendes place in the whole world
10. Did you know I live and breathe for Mondays!!!!
10. Did you know I live and breathe for Mondays!!!!
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