First of all, shout out to my sister who got all up and MARRIED this week!! whaddup Erin Minhondo?!
For this side of the world, this week was pretty fantastic if I do say so myself. I need to explain you guys my investigator named Dezső. hahahah every single time i meet with this man I fall in love with him. not in a creepy "I'm in love with a 63 year old man" kinda of way, more like a "Everything this 63 year old man does is adorable, and endearing" kind of way. Anyway, this weekend we went to meet with him, with one of our member present., And... The whole thing just went haywire. haha (also i dont think I have used the word haywire since 1904 and I feel like an old british néni sipping tea because I used that word) anyway,
we went to meet with him, and first of all, Sister Mason decided to open up her drink mid lesson while our member present was talking, But, the drink just exploded and she ended up with a giant puddle on her black pencil skirt, Meanwhile, I could not stop laughing, while she tried to express that it was in fact SODA that was accumulated in a pile on her skirt. Then our member present starting telling our investigator that she has seen ghosts. So... if you ask me THAT LESSON WAS A SUCCESS. But nobody worry because Dezső then came to church with us, and during testimony meeting a loud, jazzy phone started going off, which did indeed belong to Dezső. but he didn't know how to make the sound stop. He just began frantically hitting his phone, searching for a way to answer it. Then when he did he proceeded to put the phone on speaker, and tell the person that he had to call him back. I love this man.
This week I got to go on splits with Sister Schrad who is serving in Budapest, She was in the same group as Sister Jensen, the sister i trained, so I had heard SO much about her. She is the coolest person, and we met with this man named Páli, who has been meeting with the missionaries for more than a year.
On our way over there, we felt like we should just have a DTR with this homie. we went in there, and talked about baptism, and how if the desires of his heart are to help others, to bear one anothers burdens, to wear the name of Christ for the rest of our lives, to tie covenants with God, what does he have against being baptized? (moziás 18) He told us that he will be praying about baptism, which is a huge step for him. I believe in splits miracles ladies and gentleman.
Fun facts of the week:
1. An american family in the ward brought us a GIANT tub of peanut butter, and american cheddar cheese.
2. we were walking on the street and these people came up and gave us delicous chocolate bar because we are women #nőnap
4. I love my companion kate mason.
I have been thinking a lot about faith this week, what it is, how to find it, how to build on it, and how to keep it. In Hungarian, the word for faith is "hit" which is really frustrating, because it is derived from the word "hinni" which means "to believe" so when we teach hungarians about faith, all they hear is that it is to believe in something, but faith is SO much more than that. faith is an action word. "faith without works is dead" and i have found that to be nothing but true. Faith is something that is a decision. You have to decide to have a believing heart, and then you have to let the faith that you have, the little belief that you might feel, change you. You have to let it push you to become better.
szeretlek titeket. legyetek önmagatok
with lots of love,
Swenson nővér
we are going to this amazing place for lunch that me and sister mason discovered in downtown budapest, and then going to explore margít sziget
2. Does this apartment have a washer and dryer?
2. Does this apartment have a washer and dryer?
a washer yes, dryers dont exist in hungary so no haha
3. Do they have Stake Conferences there?
yes they do! my ward is the stake center
3. Do they have Stake Conferences there?
yes they do! my ward is the stake center
4. What is your companions best quality?
we are NEVER not laughing. she is so organized, she has all of these really happy things that make us happy all of the time, she is such a real human being, but still such a good missionary, she is so fun to talk to, honestly she is just my best friend haha i am too lucky.
5. Do mores hungarians speak English in Pest?
5. Do mores hungarians speak English in Pest?
6. What American food restaurants are there in Pest?
6. What American food restaurants are there in Pest?
TGIF, pizza hut, subway, haha just weird things like that!
7. Are all of your splits in Budapest, or do you go out to the country?
our zone is the budapest zone so we just stay in budapest, and it is actually the nicest thing ever!
7. Are all of your splits in Budapest, or do you go out to the country?
our zone is the budapest zone so we just stay in budapest, and it is actually the nicest thing ever!
8. Quick...funny "meeting a Hungarian story".
uhmmm yesterday one in broken english told me and my companion that blonde is his favorite color ahhh
9. What is one Hungarian tradition you want to keep?
I will always celebrate st. mikulás napja its where the kids on the 6th of christmas put their shoes in their window and if they were good then he will bring them candy!
10. You just have to know how Loved you are...You do, right?
10. You just have to know how Loved you are...You do, right?
haha i think sooo!
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