I am just so happy and I feel like I am just walking around Budapest with my best friend every single day. Sister Mason and I have been recently really trying to be brave, and talk to people. I don't know about you guys, but sometimes it's a little intimidating to walk up to a 23 year old man with his girlfriend and start preaching the gospel.
Haha, I have a personal goal that I am going to do one thing that scares me every day. Whenever I do it I just get this giant adrenaline rush and I just go for it. It is kinda cool though because I have seen myself becoming braver in the work, and being more willing to follow my 'scary' promptings from the Holy Ghost. We are starting to see success from it, and it is such a great thing. I think every single day we should all do something that takes us out of our comfort zone a little. It makes me feel so alive!
Our mission president's wife came to a lesson with us this week with our investigator Krisztián. The lesson was amazing. We have realized that Krisztián has no problem with understanding our message, and looking at it logically, but, he has a problem with believing our message, feeling our message, and having the faith to act. We discussed how the word 'hit' and the word 'faith' are different. and how the word faith means more than just to believe in something. We decided to make it like a nice heart wrenching lesson, so we brought our family pictures, and pointed out every single person, and told him "hey, listen, do you think that we would be here in this weird country, getting shut down every day, not being with our AMAZING families, if we did not FEEL this message was true? If we did not only know, but FEEL that this is where the Lord wants us? " It went really well. hopefully we can someday show this human how to feel haha.
We went on splits with the Kispesti nővérek. It was a such a great split. I was with Sister Prasansaph who is in her first transfer right now. I really just love and admire her so much. She is the happiest person ever. We had the most hilarious thing happen to us. Some person let us into a building when we were tracting, and we tracted the whole building and only talked to three people. Then:
Our mission president's wife came to a lesson with us this week with our investigator Krisztián. The lesson was amazing. We have realized that Krisztián has no problem with understanding our message, and looking at it logically, but, he has a problem with believing our message, feeling our message, and having the faith to act. We discussed how the word 'hit' and the word 'faith' are different. and how the word faith means more than just to believe in something. We decided to make it like a nice heart wrenching lesson, so we brought our family pictures, and pointed out every single person, and told him "hey, listen, do you think that we would be here in this weird country, getting shut down every day, not being with our AMAZING families, if we did not FEEL this message was true? If we did not only know, but FEEL that this is where the Lord wants us? " It went really well. hopefully we can someday show this human how to feel haha.
We went on splits with the Kispesti nővérek. It was a such a great split. I was with Sister Prasansaph who is in her first transfer right now. I really just love and admire her so much. She is the happiest person ever. We had the most hilarious thing happen to us. Some person let us into a building when we were tracting, and we tracted the whole building and only talked to three people. Then:
There was A terrible person who just told me how bad of hungarian we speak, and how my accent is just absolutely terrible, and how no one in this building would be able to understand me (what a confidence boost, AM I RIIIIIGHT?)
2. There wasthe most jolly old man, who was not interested in our message, but so kind, who lived on the 6th floor and..
After that adventure, we went to open the door, and to our dismay, discovered that you have to have a key to get OUT of the building. We were locked in hahahah. our only options was to decide which person to go ask to let us out of the building. How fun is that decision? I need you all to know that we did, indeed, get out of the building. what a life I live.
In other news, we do a weekly service at a homeless shelter. We usually just talk to them, entertain them, tell them about America, or talk to them about the gospel if they are interested. This week, this guy came who could beat box better than any human i have ever met. he asked us if any of us could rap, so i told him i could (i know what you are all thinking 'oh my gosh lindsi is the best rapper i know, she is amazing, what a talented kid') so in my missionary angst, i found a song buried deep in my head, and you know what guys? i rapped. i rapped the beautiful sonet "love the way you lie" by Eminem. it was a beautiful moment. tears were shed, high fives were given.
sok szeretettel,
§wEn§ mOnAy
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